3fu3l Podcast

3fu3l Podcast

A podcast that challenges conventional wisdom

02 Danielle Horan - Crossfit Games

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Dani Horan is a crossfit games athlete and crossfit coach. In this episode, she talks about what it takes to train for the crossfit games. We cover nutrition, recovery, sleep, supplements and 3fu3l.

Quotes from the show:

"I think anybody can do anything they want. The only thing that's going to stop them is going to be themselves. "

"Anyone can go to a gym and train, but there comes a point when you're getting up at 4:30am to train, and you're exhausted, but you just have to do it. You have to push past the times when you get really tired. Most people just roll over and go back to bed."

"You just have to keep your eyes on the main goal and not let anything get in your way."

"You only live once; if you have the ability, the talent and the drive, why not see what can be the result of all the hard work and dedication you put into it."

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Audio production by Aaron Olson


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About this podcast

3fu3l Podcast features interviews with extraordinary athletes willing to think outside the box. We challenge conventional wisdom, we are educators, experimenters, and aren't interested in following the crowd.


by Aaron Olson


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